
Welcome to my blog

My name is Gilles Charbonneau

I am a long time 2d animator and I would like to share with you some of the tips and tricks I have learned over the years by posting tutorials and articles on this blog.


My new blog

Hello everyone and welcome to my new blog!

There is no content yet but I would like you to fill the poll at the right and tell me what type of tutorials are of interest to you.

You can also subscribe by entering your email address, this way you will be informed of any new tutorial or article posted.

Also, I would like suggestions or comments on how I could add to this blog, so do not be shy to post here!

In any case, thank You for taking the time to come here.



  1. Awesome! I look forward to reading your blog. AS doesn't seem to have a lot of tutorials, or maybe I've just been spoiled by all the great Blender training sites.

  2. Sure mate, this will be fun! :)

    I have changed the poll, forgot to turn on the multiple choices, also added beginner, intermediate and advanced in the list.

    This deleted you selection, so you will need to enter your choices again, sorry for that!

  3. Haha, no worries, I wanted to vote for a couple of things anyway! :)

    As someone else mentioned on the thread, thanks for sharing your knowledge too!

  4. I am looking forward to this, and may add the use of mixing 3D and 2D which seem to be popular in Anime in Japan. Also my fave movie called "Titan A.E."

  5. Hey, hello Ruscular, thanks for posting! :)

    I do not use 3D in Anime Studio, as it is very basic and could be done in a much better way in a 3D package like Blender.

    I might make a tutorial about compositing 3D and Anime Studio renders though, this could be useful!

  6. Good luck with this Gilles. I look forward to seeing your posts.

    I will vote again now =0)


  7. Walk forward I need to get correctly.
