
Welcome to my blog

My name is Gilles Charbonneau

I am a long time 2d animator and I would like to share with you some of the tips and tricks I have learned over the years by posting tutorials and articles on this blog.


Back to business

Hello everyone

Finally back to business after a small hiccup!

I resumed working on the video tutorial set, worked on some more assets and laid out the set itself, which reads like this...

0. Introduction
1. quick run down of the interface main tools and the basics of animation in anime studio
2. The timeline, sequencer and motion graph
3. The principles
4. IK vs IK
5. The rig
6. Posing a character
7. Audio files
8. Automatic lip sync
9. Manual lip sync
10. Point animation lip sync
11. Facial animation with dialogue
12. Eyes
13. Accents
14. My workflow
15. First blocking of the action scene
16. Second blocking of the action scene
17. Tweaking the action scene
18. First blocking of the dialogue scene
19. Second blocking of the dialogue scene
20. Tweaking of the dialogue scene
21. Conclusion

Any suggestions on what else could be included are welcome, but it must be character animation related.

I have setup my self with a deadline, the 15th of December, and it is my goal to make it happen no matter what!

As soon as the set is available, it will not go online before each and every persons who preorder the set get their copy, that is non negotiable.

I also decided, since all that happened, that each individuals who preordered the set, will be entitled to any future commercial product that I will make available on this blog in the future, for free of course!

Last thing, I have the emails of everyone who preordered the set, if your email address has changed since, please, send me an email through the this blog contact form with your old email, that is the email used to preorder, and the new one, so I can make sure everyone gets it when available.

Happy animating



  1. Hi Gilles
    So nice hearing from you. I was concerned you had some health problems again and I suppose in a way I was right. You are a hard worker, but I guess you will have to adapt to a somewhat different schedule. Ha, that's were your loved ones come in. Please don't overdue. The hare never made it, but the tortoise did, if you are familiar with the famous fable. Of course on the other hand I am very happy to receive your tutorials. The best wines are always the oldest, so that is true for your tutorials as well.
    God bless you and kind regards

  2. Will be waiting for this tutorial set. Thanks.


  3. Point to point animation is a lot of fun and is probably the closest anime studio comes to traditional animation digitally speaking though it takes more skill. A guide wouldn't be a guide without covering the basics of such a fundamental part.
